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What is Tui Na massage?

Tui Na massage has its origins in China during the Zhou dynasty (1060 BC). As is often the case in Chinese, the word is divided into two: Tui means “to push” and Na “to grab”. These are the 2 techniques used in this massage. In China, Tui Na has a therapeutic aim and is even an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the same way as acupuncture or Chinese herbal medicine.

What are the particularities of the Tui Na massage?

It’s tailor-made! No one will receive exactly the same massage from A to Z. Indeed, the Tui Na aims to make energy - Chi or Qi - circulate freely and without hindrance through the meridians which run through our body. It works on energy knots or imbalances (excess or lack of energy), muscular tensions and blockages with precise movements (rubbing, pinching, rubbing, stretching, tapping, etc.) to allow the body to feel better, and increase a person's overall well-being.

Are there any differences from a traditional Chinese massage?

Tui Na is therapeutic massage in China. It is very technical and requires a real knowledge of anatomy and the principles of Chinese medicine, hence several years of study. It is considered traditional massage, but there are many other forms of Chinese massages that are closer to comfort or relaxation massages. However, they work less in depth and therefore on the energies of the body.

How does a massage take place?

The Tui Na massage is performed in an individual, closed cabin, on a professional massage table. The session begins with the back, the masseur identifies areas of tension by kneading the back and neck then unties the knots one by one with a deep massage. It then continues with the stimulation of energy points to restore circulation in the meridians. The last part of the massage is carried out on the legs, feet and finally the head and arms.

What symptoms are treated?

By removing knots and muscular tensions, energy is released to provide ultimate and lasting well-being. The "Tui Na" massage works very well against small daily ailments linked to stress which, in Chinese medicine, are the consequences of energy imbalance: headache, back pain, fatigue, stress, insomnia... It allows the body to give a natural boost and strengthen the body to be able to cope with external aggressions.

Is the Tui Na massage relaxing or energetic?

Tui Na is clearly energetic. It must be admitted that the technique can be surprising at first because the gesture is powerful and worked in depth, precisely on the most tense areas of the body. Ultimately, it allows total relaxation while energizing the body the days following the session. This massage is like a “reset”, a restart, of the body. The next day it feels like the body is starting from scratch.

Are there any contraindications?

These are pretty much the same as for all massages and body sculpting. It cannot be performed when you wear a pacemaker or have heart or infectious disease, osteoporosis and open wounds.

Who can we recommend Tui Na massage to?

Ultimately almost everyone. Because we all feel fatigue, exhaustion, the feeling of being at the end of our rope at some point. And in Chinese medicine, prevention is better than cure.
It is therefore aimed at all people who work a lot (the famous sitting and hunched posture in front of the computer!) or feel stress. Those who have recurring pain but do not require drug or surgical treatment. Finally, athletes who put a lot of strain on their body, such as runners training for a half or marathon.

Will I be sore after the massage?

As soon as the massage ends, the feeling of fullness is felt and will continue over the following days. The day after a massage, aches and pains may occur, a sign that the muscles were tense, that tensions have been worked out in depth and that lactic acid has been released (sensations similar to a sports session). It is important to drink well to drain the body and help eliminate lactic acid released from the muscles. The newfound energy and well-being will last for several days.

What is the difference between Thai massage, Shiatsu and Tui Na?

The oldest massage in the world is Tui Na, from Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is complete in terms of its actions, its fields of action, and its benefits. It can unblock the body, work on acupuncture points, and improve blood circulation. The work is done with the thumbs, wrists, forearms or even elbows. An alternation of deep then gentle gestures carried out directly on the skin.
Traditional Thai massage is a clothed massage inspired by Chinese medicine, consisting mainly of manipulations, body crunches and stretching.
Shiatsu massage is also close to Chinese medicine theories, and it is also a massage dressed like Thai. This is work focused only on tension points and meridians. The masseuse presses but does not massage with oil.

The 3 techniques are interesting and share similar techniques, but Tui Na is the oldest, and probably the most complete since it is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

How often should you perform a Tui Na massage?

Chinese doctors recommend massage every 20 days to get better results. If you have a particular problem to solve, it is preferable to carry out 3 sessions close together (1 per week) then space out. Improvements are rapid, but you should know that the older the ailments you carry in your body, the longer it takes to evacuate them.

(Thanks to Diana Béraud / Benefits)


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