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Acupuncture points and spring

“Chunfen” (春分) is the name given to the first day of spring in the Chinese solar calendar. This period marks the beginning of spring and represents a transition period between winter and summer March 21, 2023) . During this period, it is recommended to take care of your body and focus on regulating vital energy, also called “QI” (气) . A common method for regulating "IQ" is to practice Chinese massage therapy, which involves the use of specific pressure points on the body.

     One of the most commonly used pressure points during the "Chunfen" period is the “Taixi” point (太溪) . This point is located on the foot, about two fingers from the ankle, on the inner edge of the foot. The "Taixi" point is considered the primary pressure point for the kidney and is used to treat a variety of vital energy related disorders, such as fatigue, insomnia and anxiety.

       Another pressure point commonly used during the "Chunfen" period is the “Hegu” point (合谷) . This point is located on the hand, between the thumb and index finger. The “Hegu” point is used to regulate “IQ” and to relieve pain, including headaches, menstrual pain and arthritis pain.

      The “Zusanli” point (足三里) is also used during the “Chunfen” period. This point is located on the leg, about four fingers below the knee, on the outer edge of the leg. The "Zusanli" point is commonly used to strengthen the immune system and to treat digestive disorders such as bloating, nausea and vomiting.

     Finally, the point “Shenshu” (肾腧) is used during the “Chunfen” period. This point is located on the back, about two fingers on either side of the  spine, at waist level. The “Shenshu” point is used to strengthen the renal system and to treat disorders related to vital energy, such as fatigue and anxiety.

          In conclusion, the "Chunfen" period is an important transition period for the body. By using Chinese massage therapy and targeting specific pressure points such as the "Taixi" point, the "Hegu" point, the "Zusanli" point and the "Shenshu" point, it is possible to regulate vital energy and promote general health and well-being.


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